Author: admin

For an aquatic veterinarian, it's never “just a fish”

For an aquatic veterinarian, it's never “just a fish”

This article is part of our Pets special section, dedicated to scientists' growing interest in our animal companions.Many students enter veterinary school with career aspirations that date back to childhood, when they fell in love with the idea of ​​caring for dogs and cats, or horses, or exotic animals at the zoo. Jessie Sanders came to veterinary school with a more particular passion. "I was that weird fish kid," she said.It was an interest that surprised even her. In college, Dr. Sanders began volunteering at an aquarium, hoping to work with whales. Instead, she found herself assigned to the fish team, and fell head over heels in love with her finned charges."I love fish," he said. "I love the way they're built. I love the way they interact with their environment. And there'...
Farage and the Future of the British Conservative Party

Farage and the Future of the British Conservative Party

At first, Nigel Farage kept his cool. When protesters interrupted an election victory speech by Mr. Farage, a veteran British political disruptor, anti-immigration campaigner and ally of former President Donald J. Trump, he ignored them.But as the chaos continued at Friday’s press conference, Mr Farage began to respond to criticism, drowning out critics by shouting “boring!” into his microphone no fewer than nine times.However, with Mr Farage at his side, things hardly get boring, as Britain's centre-right Conservative Party has just discovered to its cost.Ousted from power after 14 years by a landslide Labour vote, the Conservatives collapsed to their worst defeat in modern history, a stunning loss that has left the party’s remnants in disarray. By contrast, Mr Farage’s small insurrec...
Gli studenti prendono di mira gli insegnanti in un attacco di gruppo su TikTok, scuotendo la loro scuola

Gli studenti prendono di mira gli insegnanti in un attacco di gruppo su TikTok, scuotendo la loro scuola

A febbraio, Patrice Motz, un veterano insegnante di spagnolo alla Great Valley Middle School di Malvern, in Pennsylvania, è stato avvisato da un altro insegnante che i guai si stavano avvicinando.Alcuni studenti dell'ottavo anno della sua scuola pubblica avevano creato falsi account TikTok impersonando insegnanti. La signora Motz, che non aveva mai usato TikTok, ha creato un account.Ha trovato un profilo falso per @patrice.motz, che aveva pubblicato una vera foto di lei in spiaggia con suo marito e i loro bambini piccoli. "Ti piace toccare i bambini?" chiedeva un testo in spagnolo sopra la foto della vacanza di famiglia. "Risposta: Sí."Nei giorni successivi, circa 20 educatori, circa un quarto del corpo docente della scuola, hanno scoperto di essere vittime di falsi account di insegnan...
Hamas' ceasefire proposal includes a familiar sticking point

Hamas' ceasefire proposal includes a familiar sticking point

Hamas has softened its stance in its latest proposal for a ceasefire in Gaza, but is sticking to a key demand that has been a major obstacle to reaching an agreement, according to two senior officials from the countries involved in the negotiations.That has weakened prospects for an imminent deal, although U.S. and Israeli officials have expressed optimism that talks are now moving forward after weeks of stalemate.Hamas presented a counterproposal on Wednesday. The two officials said Hamas wanted international guarantees that once an initial truce goes into effect, both sides will continue to negotiate until a final agreement is reached to end the war and free all remaining hostages in Gaza.Indeed, Hamas wants to make sure it doesn’t hand over many of the hostages just to restart the war i...
Your brain hides secrets. Scientists want to find them.

Your brain hides secrets. Scientists want to find them.

About a month ago, Judith Hansen woke up with a start in the early hours of the morning, thinking about her father's brain.His father, Morrie Markoff, was an unusual man. At 110, he was thought to be the oldest person in the United States. His brain was unusual, too, even after recovering from a stroke at 99.Although he dropped out of school after the eighth grade to work, Mr. Markoff became a successful entrepreneur. Later in life, his curiosity and creativity led him to the arts, including photography and sculpture made from scrap metal.He was a healthy centenarian when he exhibited his work at a gallery in Los Angeles, where he lived. At 103, he published a memoir called "Keep Breathing." He blogged regularly, pored over the Los Angeles Times daily, discussed articles in Scientific ...
The disappearance of the mythical sword brings mystery to the French village

The disappearance of the mythical sword brings mystery to the French village

According to legend, the sword given by God to Roland, an 8th-century leader in the service of Charlemagne, was so powerful that Roland's final mission was to destroy it.When the blade, called the Durandal, proved indestructible, Roland threw it as far as he could: it traveled over 100 miles before becoming embedded in the side of a rock face in the medieval French village of Rocamadour.That sword, as the story goes, had been embedded in stone for nearly 1,300 years, and had become a landmark and tourist attraction in Rocamadour, a small village in southwestern France, about 110 miles east of Bordeaux. So residents and officials were stunned to discover late last month that the blade was missing, according to La Dépêche du Midi, a French newspaper.A French national police officer in Ca...
As the electric vehicle revolution slows, Ferrari enters the race

As the electric vehicle revolution slows, Ferrari enters the race

Gliding on robot trucks, a row of Ferrari chassis moves through a gleaming new factory in northern Italy. At each station, engineers in cherry red uniforms add a component—an engine block, a dashboard, a steering wheel—as they transform the bodies into hybrids. Coming soon: fully electric.There’s a lot at stake in Ferrari’s €200 million “e-building,” which went online last month and is nearly twice the size of Rome’s Colosseum. The factory is set to bring the 77-year-old sports car maker, known for the sonorous roar of its gas engines, into the age of electrification.But the effort comes at a precarious time for the auto industry. The transition to electric vehicles, which should have quickly ushered in an era of climate-friendly transportation, has instead been held back by costly investm...
Masoud Pezeshkian Wins Elections in Iran

Masoud Pezeshkian Wins Elections in Iran

In a surprise election in Iran, a reformist candidate who advocated moderate policies at home and improved relations with the West won a presidential runoff against his hardline rival, the Interior Ministry said on Saturday.The reformist candidate, Masoud Pezeshkian, 69, a heart surgeon, won 16.3 million votes to defeat Saeed Jalili, who won 13.5 million votes. The result dealt a severe blow to the conservative faction and was a major victory for the reformist camp, which had been sidelined from politics in recent years.According to the Interior Ministry, after polls closed at midnight, voter turnout stood at around 50 percent, about 10 percentage points higher than in the first round, when some 30.5 million votes were cast.The first round had a record low turnout because many Iranians boy...
La Corte Suprema mette a repentaglio una serie di norme federali

La Corte Suprema mette a repentaglio una serie di norme federali

La decisione della Corte Suprema di venerdì di limitare l'ampia autorità di regolamentazione delle agenzie federali potrebbe portare all'eliminazione o all'indebolimento di migliaia di norme in materia di ambiente, assistenza sanitaria, tutela dei lavoratori, sicurezza alimentare e farmaceutica, telecomunicazioni, settore finanziario e altro ancora.La decisione rappresenta una vittoria importante in una campagna decennale condotta dagli attivisti conservatori per ridurre il potere del governo federale, limitando la portata e l'autorità di quello che quegli attivisti chiamano "lo stato amministrativo".Il parere della corte potrebbe rendere più facile per gli oppositori delle normative federali contestarle in tribunale, innescando un'ondata di nuove controversie e, al con...
Rachel Reeves, Britain's first female chancellor, turns to Janet Yellen for inspiration

Rachel Reeves, Britain's first female chancellor, turns to Janet Yellen for inspiration

After 14 years in the shadows, Britain's Labour Party is back in power. And the country's first female Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rachel Reeves, faces the daunting task of restoring Britain's economic growth prospects and ending a decade and a half of stagnation.For inspiration, she turned to another glass ceiling-shattering woman on the other side of the Atlantic: U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen.Ms Reeves was appointed chancellor on Friday after Labour won a majority in Thursday’s general election. Now in charge of Britain’s budget, she is expected to pursue an economic agenda influenced by Ms Yellen, whose policies have encouraged job creation and a boom in US manufacturing investment.Ms. Yellen’s “modern supply-side economics” aims to boost economic growth by incre...