
In the battle over healthcare costs, private equity plays both sides

In the battle over healthcare costs, private equity plays both sides

Insurance companies have long accused privately owned hospitals and medical associations of exorbitant billing that drives up healthcare costs. But a private equity-backed tool is helping insurers make billions of dollars and shift costs to patients.The tool, Data iSight, is the flagship offering of a cost-containment company called MultiPlan that has attracted continued private equity investment since it positioned itself as a central player in the lucrative field of medical payments. Today Hellman & Friedman, the California-based private equity giant, and the Saudi Arabian government's sovereign wealth fund are among the company's largest investors.The evolution of Data iSight, which recommends the amount to pay for each medical bill, is an untold chapter in the story of privat...
La principessa Reema, ambasciatrice saudita, naviga in acque agitate a Washington

La principessa Reema, ambasciatrice saudita, naviga in acque agitate a Washington

Ha frequentato l'elite Holton-Arms School for girls nei sobborghi fuori Washington. Nei fine settimana passeggiava con gli amici durante lo shopping nel centro commerciale Tysons Corner Center nella Virginia del Nord. Tre segretari di stato americani - Colin L. Powell, James A. Baker e Madeleine Albright - erano ospiti abituali a casa dei suoi genitori.In questi giorni, la principessa Reema Bandar al-Saud, 48 anni, figlia del principe Bandar bin Sultan, uno dei diplomatici più potenti di Washington quando era ambasciatore dell'Arabia Saudita negli Stati Uniti per più di due decenni, occupa il vecchio lavoro di suo padre.Non è stato facile.È arrivata a Washington come prima donna a ricoprire l’incarico nel luglio 2019, meno di un anno dopo che Jamal Khashoggi, editorialista del Wa...
The lucrative health insurer alliance driving up patient bills: 5 highlights

The lucrative health insurer alliance driving up patient bills: 5 highlights

Large health insurers are partnering with a little-known data company to boost their profits, often at the expense of patients and doctors, according to a New York Times investigation. A private equity-backed company called MultiPlan has helped reduce payments to health care providers and increase patient bills, earning billions of dollars in commissions for itself and insurers.To investigate this largely hidden aspect of the healthcare industry, the Times interviewed more than 100 patients, doctors, billing specialists, health plan consultants and former MultiPlan employees and reviewed more than 50,000 pages of documents, including confidential documents made public by two federal agencies. judges after the Times petitions.Here are five takeaways.The lower the compensation for doctors,...
Peter Pellegrini wins the presidential elections in Slovakia

Peter Pellegrini wins the presidential elections in Slovakia

Voters in Slovakia strengthened the grip of pro-Russian political forces in Central Europe on Saturday, handing victory in the presidential election to a candidate who opposes providing military and financial aid to Ukraine.With 99% of votes counted, the official tally showed Peter Pellegrini, an ally of populist Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, the winner with 53% of the vote in the presidential runoff. Despite the limited powers of the presidency in Slovakia, the elections were widely seen as a test of strength between political camps with sharply different views on Russia.The defeated candidate, former Foreign Minister Ivan Korcok, is a staunch supporter of Ukraine and critical of Fico, a combative veteran politician who aligned himself with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in o...
How tech giants cut corners to collect data for artificial intelligence

How tech giants cut corners to collect data for artificial intelligence

The race to lead artificial intelligence has become a desperate hunt for the digital data needed to advance the technology. To obtain such data, tech companies including OpenAI, Google and Meta cut corners, ignored company policies and debated how to change the law, according to a New York Times analysis.According to recordings of internal meetings obtained by the Times, last year managers, lawyers and engineers at Meta, the owner of Facebook and Instagram, discussed buying the Simon & Schuster publishing house to procure long-form works. They also agreed to collect copyrighted data from across the Internet, even if it meant facing legal action. Negotiating licenses with publishers, artists, musicians and the news industry would take too long, they said.Like OpenAI, Google transcribed Y...
Israel says it has recovered the body of Elad Katzir, an October 7 hostage

Israel says it has recovered the body of Elad Katzir, an October 7 hostage

The Israeli army said Saturday it had recovered the body of a man taken hostage from one of the worst-hit communities during the Hamas-led attack on October 7, nearly six months after his abduction.The man, Elad Katzir, 47, was killed by his captors in mid-January while being held in Gaza by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Israeli military spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said at a news conference on Saturday. Mr. Hagari cited multiple intelligence sources but provided no details. The Israeli military's claim that Mr. Katzir had been killed by his captors could not be independently verified.Mr. Katzir had lived in Nir Oz, a kibbutz near the border with the Gaza Strip. According to the Israeli army, more than a quarter of more than 400 residents were killed or kidnapped in the att...
Arzt Spezialist: Gesundheitsdienstleistungen für ein besseres Leben

Arzt Spezialist: Gesundheitsdienstleistungen für ein besseres Leben

Als einer der führenden Anbieter von Gesundheitsdienstleistungen in Deutschland ist arztspezialist.de stolz darauf, hochwertige medizinische Versorgung anzubieten, um das Leben unserer Patienten zu verbessern. Unser Team von Fachärzten deckt eine Vielzahl von Fachgebieten ab, darunter Orthopädie Und Traumatologie, Andrologie, Dermatologie, Innere Medizin Innere Krankheiten, Haut, Psychologischer Berater, Klinischer Psychologe, Zahnarzt und Gehirn und Nervenchirurgie. In diesem Artikel werden wir näher auf die verschiedenen Bereiche eingehen, in denen wir tätig sind, und wie wir unseren Patienten helfen, ihre Gesundheitsziele zu erreichen. Orthopädie Und Traumatologie: Bewegungsfreiheit und Lebensqualität Die Orthopädie und Traumatologie ist ein Bereich der Medizin, der sich mit der D...
Teen drug habits are changing for the better.  With warnings.

Teen drug habits are changing for the better. With warnings.

Historically speaking, it's not a bad time to be a teenager's liver. Or the lungs.Regular alcohol, tobacco, and drug use among high school students has seen a long downward trend.In 2023, 46% of older adults said they had had a drink in the year before being surveyed; that's a steep decline from 88% in 1979, when the behavior peaked, according to the annual Monitoring the Future survey, a closely watched national survey of youth substance use. A similar downward trend was observed among eighth and tenth graders and for these three age groups regarding cigarette smoking. In 2023, only 15% of older adults reported having smoked a cigarette in their lifetime, compared to a peak of 76% in 1977.Illicit drug use among adolescents has remained low and fairly stable over the past t...
Indignate dal programma nucleare statunitense, le comunità si rivolgono al Congresso per chiedere aiuto

Indignate dal programma nucleare statunitense, le comunità si rivolgono al Congresso per chiedere aiuto

Quando il padre di Diane Scheig, Bill, tornava a casa dal lavoro presso la fabbrica Mallinckrodt di St. Louis, si spogliava nel garage e consegnava i suoi vestiti alla madre di lei perché li lavasse immediatamente, senza osare contaminare la casa con i residui delle sue fatiche. .Il signor Scheig, un metalmeccanico che contribuì a costruire il famoso arco della città, non raccontò mai alla famiglia esattamente cosa stesse facendo nello stabilimento, dove gli scienziati iniziarono per la prima volta a lavorare l'uranio per il Progetto Manhattan nel 1942. Ma all'età di 49 anni, aveva sviluppato cancro ai reni, perse la capacità di camminare e morì.Decenni dopo, la sorella maggiore di Diane, Sheryle, che anni prima aveva dato alla luce un bambino nato con un tumore delle dimensioni di...
What to know about tech companies using AI to teach their AI

What to know about tech companies using AI to teach their AI

OpenAI, Google, and other tech companies train their chatbots with massive amounts of data collected from books, Wikipedia articles, news stories, and other sources on the Internet. But in the future they hope to use something called synthetic data.That's because tech companies may be running out of high-quality text the Internet has to offer for AI development. And companies are facing copyright lawsuits from authors, news organizations and computer programmers for using their works without permission. (In one of these lawsuits, The New York Times sued OpenAI and Microsoft.)According to them, synthetic data will help reduce copyright issues and increase the supply of training materials needed for artificial intelligence. Here's what to know about it.What is synthetic data?It i...