Chronic pain: five things we know about causes, treatments and diagnoses
Most of us don't think about pain until we feel it. And when we do, it's typically something we get over after a few days or weeks. This was my experience, until the summer of 2023. One day I woke up and found that my arms hurt. There was no obvious explanation, I hadn't done anything. The pain was intense. I couldn't do much: drive, cook, type, even sleep. I have always been a healthy person who played a lot of sport and I thought this strange pain was just bad luck. But as weeks turned into months and no cause or treatment could be found, I began to realize that I wasn't alone: that there was an epidemic of chronic pain going on all around me.As my condition persisted, I began looking into what scientists understand — and still don't understand — about chronic pain. Mostly I was shocke...