He often fainted when it was hot. What was wrong?
The day was sultry. The 61-year-old woman pushed her donkey into a trot. He loved riding around the ring on the beautiful white beast: at a walk, then a trot, then a gallop. Suddenly he noticed a tingling in his hands and feet that spread towards his torso. He recognized the feeling but forced himself to ignore it. It didn't work. His strength seemed to fade, and before he could say or do anything, he felt himself slump forward. As the world turned grey, the donkey stopped. His arms, and then his body, slid down the animal's sweaty neck and fell to the ground. Then everything went black.He woke up looking at the snow-white belly of his donkey. He bent down and neighed softly, then brayed at the approaching instructor. Are you OK? The instructor shouted in alarm. Should I call an ambulance?...