A China-Linked Campaign Is Harassed a Dissident's Teenage Daughter

Deng Yuwen, a prominent Chinese writer now living in exile in the Philadelphia suburbs, has regularly criticized China and its authoritarian leader, Xi Jinping. China’s response recently has been severe, with vulgar and menacingly personal attacks online.

According to researchers at Clemson University and Meta, the owner of Facebook and Instagram, a secret propaganda network linked to the country's security services bombarded not only Mr. Deng but also his teenage daughter with sexually suggestive and threatening posts on popular social media platforms. social media.

The content, posted by users with fake identities, appeared in replies to Mr. Deng's posts on the social media platform arsonist and prostitute.

“I tried to delete these posts,” Mr. Deng said of the online attacks, speaking in Mandarin Chinese in an interview, “but I couldn't, because today you try to delete and tomorrow they move on to new accounts to leave attacking the text and the language.”

According to the researchers, vulgar comments directed at the girl also appeared on community pages on Facebook and even on sites such as TripAdvisor, Patch, a community news platform, and Niche, a website that helps parents choose schools.

The harassment fits a pattern of online intimidation that has raised alarm in Washington, as well as in Canada and other countries where China's attacks have become increasingly brazen. The campaign included thousands of posts that researchers linked to a network of social media accounts known as Spamouflage or Dragonbridge, an arm of the country's vast propaganda apparatus.

China has long sought to discredit Chinese critics, but targeting a teenager in the United States is an escalation, said Darren Linvill, a founder of the Clemson-based Media Forensics Hub, whose researchers have documented the campaign against Mr. Deng. Federal law prohibits serious online harassment or threats, but that doesn’t appear to be deterring China’s efforts.

“There's no doubt that this is crossing a line that they've never crossed before,” Mr Linvill said. “I think it suggests that lines are becoming meaningless.”

China's propaganda apparatus has also stepped up attacks against the United States more broadly, including efforts to discredit President Biden ahead of the November presidential election.

“They are exporting their repressive efforts and human rights abuses — targeting, threatening, and harassing those who dare to question their legitimacy or authority outside of China, including right here in the United States,” Christopher A. Wray, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, told the American Bar Association in Washington in April.

Mr. Wray said China was exerting “intense, almost mafia-style pressure” to try to silence dissidents now living legally in the United States, including online and offline activities, such as posting leaflets near to their homes.

The spokesman for the Chinese embassy in Washington, Liu Pengyu, said in a statement that he was not aware of the Deng case and would not comment. He added that last year the State Council of Government issued regulations in China to protect the safety of teenagers online.

In a statement, Meta said it had removed Facebook accounts targeting the Dengs as part of its monitoring of Spamouflage's activities. The statement said the business had not gained much traction on Facebook. Patch and Niche said they also removed accounts for violating their usage standards. X and TripAdvisor did not respond to requests for comment.

Not all of the posts targeting the Dengs have been removed, according to Mr. Linvill’s team at Clemson. New posts continue to appear, too, and traces of even removed posts can persist online for years. Spam attacks still show up in Google searches for Mr. Deng and his daughter, for example.

Attacks from China have posed a challenge to government and law enforcement in the United States. Last year, the Justice Department indicted 34 agents working for China's Ministry of State Security on charges of harassing U.S. residents like Mr. Deng, but the agents live – and presumably continue to work – in China, beyond the reach of American law. reinforcement.

Some have called for a more aggressive response, including Rep. John Moolenaar of Michigan, the Republican chairman of the CPC House Select Committee.

“We must educate and empower law enforcement officials and the American people to understand the CCP's tactics,” he said in a statement, referring to the party, “and protect the people who seek safe haven in our country.”

The Spamouflage network was first identified in 2019 during the mass anti-Beijing protests in Hong Kong. It creates inauthentic accounts on social media or tech platforms to bombard real users with spam-like content, hence the name researchers gave the network. While the content often fails to go viral, the swarming nature of the attacks can be annoying, or worse, for the people it targets.

The network, which Meta last year linked to law enforcement in China, once focused much of its attention domestically on discrediting and intimidating Communist Party critics, such as protesters in Hong Kong.

He has become increasingly active abroad, seeking to influence political debates and elections in Taiwan, Canada and, since at least the 2022 midterm elections, the United States. An American Olympic figure skater and her father, a former political refugee from China, have been targeted in what the Justice Department described as a Beijing-ordered espionage operation. Chinese journalists working abroad, particularly women, have also been featured in fake escort ads and faced bomb and rape threats.

The Justice Department's indictment against Ministry of State Security officials did not explicitly link them to the Spamouflage network, but the activities described closely mirror its work and appear “extremely likely” to be the same operation, according to a recent report from the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, a nonprofit research group. The institute also warned that the network was increasingly focusing on the US presidential election.

In the case of Mr. Deng, as with others, the intent appears to be to silence critics. Mr. Deng, born in Xinyu in southeastern China, once worked as a deputy editor at Study Times, a weekly newspaper of the Communist Party’s Central Party School that trains up-and-coming officials.

His comments sometimes pushed the boundaries of the party line. He was fired in 2013 after writing an opinion piece for the Financial Times — which appeared in its Chinese and English editions — calling for China to abandon its strategic ties with North Korea’s erratic authoritarian leader, Kim Jong-un. He eventually left the country.

Mr. Deng, who is 56, has lived in the United States with his wife and two children since 2018. He continues to publish essays in a variety of media outlets and books on Chinese politics and foreign policy. The last book was “The Last Totalitarian,” published in Chinese in April by Bouden House in New York. In it he argues that the Communist Party has lost the trust of the people and needs reform.

In the interview, Deng said he was used to criticism from China's bureaucracy, but the personal attacks began after he published an article in February comparing Xi's cadre of senior officials to the Gang of Four under Mao Zedong.

The first post found by Clemson researchers appeared that month on X, where Mr. Deng’s account has more than 100,000 followers. It mentioned a middle school in the family’s hometown and his daughter. The harassment spread to other accounts on X and then to numerous platforms, including Facebook, Medium, Pinterest, DeviantArt and Pixiv, a Japanese site for artists.

The posts denounced him as a traitor, a plagiarist and a tool of the United States. More than 5,700 posts so far on X alone have singled out his daughter, according to Clemson's research.

User profiles often made them seem American, albeit with few or no followings. Many posts featured stilted and ungrammatical English, typical of Spamouflage campaigns.

They became more and more frightening and threatening. Doctored images featuring Mr Deng's daughter's face superimposed on scantily clad women appeared on Facebook, advertising sex for $300. At least one post called for her to be sexually assaulted, offering an $8,000 reward.

His daughter, who speaks English with the fluency of a teenager in Gen Z slang, was also initially angry about the attacks, Mr. Deng said, but at his encouragement, she also tried to shake it off. “I want to do my best not to involve my family in my business,” she said.

Meta, Google and other major technology platforms have long been aware of Spamouflage's activities and have sought to mitigate its reach. Last year, Meta announced that it had removed more than 7,700 fake Facebook accounts connected to the network in just one quarter.

Clemson's Linvill said China's tactics will likely continue because the country “has not yet faced any significant repercussions beyond closing accounts, and that's no cost from their perspective.”

Fighting glove contributed to the report.

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